RMW: the blog

Roslyn's photography, art, cats, exploring, writing, life


Fabulous Felines – #133 – life on mars

I watched the live stream on February 18 of the Perseverance landing on Mars. I was very excited to see the first photo transmitted from the planet’s surface. Imagine my surprise when Freddie’s head popped up! He’s gone missing before but this is the farthest from home he has ever traveled. Fortunately the Starship Enterprise was in the vicinity and was able to transport him home.

Nobody has been using the cat condo lately so I decided to take it over as a foot rest while watching TV.  Of course as soon as I did that, Frankie figured out it was the perfect place for him to hang out. CATS!

And I wonder why my clothes always come out of the dryer covered with cat hairs. Don’t worry, I had the setting on delicates so he didn’t shrink too much!


Fabulous Felines – #131 – formerly known as Feline Friday

Frankie says: not only is this a cozy box to hang out in but it also makes a wonderful scratching pad… especially at 2:00am when the sound ricochets around the house.

Frankie and Freddie had a conference when I was out of the house and informed me that they can no longer keep up with the schedule of Feline Friday. This was a huge relief to me and honestly, the only reason I didn’t change it myself was because I thought they were attached to the idea of Feline Friday. We unanimously decided to change the name to Fabulous Felines. 

This photo of Fitzbo (on the top shelf) and Foothill (on the bottom shelf) is a throwback to the late 1980s/early 1990s. Fitz was a girl and Foothill was a boy. They were devoted to each other.  

Freddie just wanted to drop in to remind us that Frankie isn’t the only one who does boxes.


Feline Friday – #130 – boxes and pillows

No box goes to waste in this house. Frankie used the lid as a scratcher so it got ripped to shreds and the box is now in the recycling bin.

The box that Frankie is sitting on contains unused holiday lights so it’s a little crunchy… but Frankie doesn’t mind.

My apologies for disturbing your nap but no need for swearing!

Sorry Freddie but Frankie beat you to the latest box! You’ll have to wait your turn…

Frankie can keep the box… Freddie is happy with his pillows. 



Feline Friday – #129 – who needs the sun and The Alibi

It’s a beautiful sunny day outside on the deck and balcony. So where are Frankie and Freddie?

Fast asleep indoors in the bedroom. At least Frankie found a bright spot to curl up in.

But Freddie prefers the shade.



So Frankie, where were you at 4:11 pm yesterday when the tuna went missing?


Feline Friday – #126 – testing out napping places


Frankie is shopping for a new place to take a nap. He’s trying this one on for size… hmmm… maybe not.


Perhaps this one’s a little better? Doesn’t quite do it.


Ah, this one’s good… plenty of space to spread out… but it’s a little on the damp side… Will he ever find the right place?



Yes, I think he found the perfect spot… it comes complete with a radio/CDplayer and a TV… and the laptop makes a great bed… everything he could possibly need.


Feline Friday – #125 – two heads are better than one

Frankie and Freddie say two heads are better than one. Sharing a meal with a friend is so much nicer than eating out of your own dish.

In Culver City restaurants are only allowed to offer outside dining during the coronavirus pandemic so Frankie and Freddie are complying in order to do their part.

After lunch there’s a mandatory siesta period.

I feel a nap coming on myself.




Feline Friday – #124 – sweet banana peppers and geraniums

Sorry, the scanner is occupied right now… you’ll have to wait.

Frankie is keeping the sweet banana peppers warm so they ripen faster.

Frankie thinks he is camouflaged as a geranium… it almost worked.

Freddie has perfected the art of napping… if he can’t see you, you can’t see him!

Such a sweet little face on such a naughty cat!

Freddie studying something very intently… staring for long periods of time is one of his talents.


Freddie taking a little walk in his sleep… at the end he responds to his name.


Feline Friday – #123 – Frankie and Freddie doing their thing

Most Tuesday afternoons you’ll find me at the Culver City Farmers Market buying fresh local produce. Of course, anything new that comes into the house has to be checked out by the Inspector in Chief, Freddie. He gave everything an A+ rating but was disappointed there was no tuna. Update: I decided to make a tuna salad for dinner and he did get his share.

Don’t you wish you could be like Frankie and at any given moment you could curl up on an old box and fall asleep?

Next time I’m going to adopt miniature cats so they fit better on the desk.

Just a lazy afternoon on the deck.

I think this is about the 1,274th time Frankie has shoveled all the pens and pencils out of the pencil cup. I have several around the house for convenience and they all end up like this.

Freddie watching the squirrels out of the living room window.

I bought a case of industrial size toilet paper rolls (twice the size of normal rolls). We can only use single ply in our plumbing and it was hard to find. This had really good reviews on Amazon and actually I like it even better than my usual brand as it’s quilted. Frankie wondered when he could have the empty box… sorry, not for a long time. Now I’m ready for the next TP emergency!

Do you see Frankie’s eye peering out of the opening in the box? He was watching me working on the computer… it was rather eerie to look up and see his squinty eyeball.

This is the box he was occupying. I have hundreds of years’ worth of negatives from my old film cameras. I keep threatening to scan them all into Photoshop “one of these days” so I can work on them. In the meantime they make a comfy bed for Frankie.

I read that the best way to absorb vitamin D from the sun is through the legs and feet. I mentioned this to Frankie and he thought that sounded like a good idea.

I used to call my dear departed feral cat Pharoah, “The Pillow King” as his favorite spot to take a nap was among the pillows on the love seat. He was the color of the desert sand and blended in so well you couldn’t tell where he ended and the pillows began. Freddie has since attempted to take his place but he just doesn’t blend in as well… good try though!








Feline Friday – #122 – every day is Friday

With most of us sheltering in place it seems every day is Saturday, every day is Sunday, every day is Tuesday and every day is Friday. So that lets me off the hook having to upload Feline Friday on the day formerly known as Friday! Right?

How many cats do you know who have their own cat-size chair? One spoiled feline here. Actually, my mother had this chair custom made for her so she could sit and reach the ground… maybe to tie her shoe laces… who knows. Anyway, it works for Frankie!

Can you find the cat in the photo above? Yep, there he is hiding under the throw covers on the rocking chair. If I can’t find Freddie anywhere in the house I know to look here.

Trader Joe’s is no longer allowing customers to bring their own reusable bags during the pandemic. The last time I actually ventured into a store to buy food was a while ago. But when I did I came home with five paper bags. I threw them on the floor as I unloaded and of course it only took Frankie a nanosecond to appropriate them for his own usage!

I covered the chair cushions on the chairs that Frankie likes to sleep on with towels to keep them free from cat hairs. For whatever reason, he wasn’t interested in the chair by the stairs so I didn’t bother to cover it. I temporarily placed my shopping bag on the chair and went upstairs. When I came back down this is what I saw. He has now taken over the bag and the chair. The master must be obeyed.

You may not want to believe me but Frankie is sleeping in this position on the stairs. I tried to get his attention but he wouldn’t budge. I went up to my office to get my camera and came back down… he was still in the same position and stayed this way for quite awhile as I was walking around from the bedroom to the bathroom and up and down the stairs. Can we all say “cat nap”….

Freddie just wanted to have the last word as that doesn’t often happen for him living with Frankie the Bully. I must have a million photos of him lying on the keyboard. Of course this only happens when I’m working on the computer. No self-respecting cat would lie on the keyboard when their human is off doing something else. It’s a losing battle for sure.


Feline Friday – #120 – New Year’s, laundry and stairs

I was about to relocate the cat condo by the front window because of lack of use when Freddie decided it was time to reclaim it. Everything goes around and comes around. Here he is early in the day of New Year’s Eve.

Freddie is such a party animal. He enjoyed those disco lights on New Year’s Eve as the night progressed. When I first bought the cat condo several years ago I felt bad because I didn’t think Freddie would be able to fit into it… but that hasn’t deterred him. Frankie does fit in it but it’s not his favorite place.

Frankie has his own places that he doesn’t fit into. Today a package arrived. I put the empty box on the floor intending to break it down and put it in the recycling bin. But that didn’t happen. Within two minutes Frankie had appropriated it. What did I expect?

As we now know, Frankie likes to sleep in weird places wherever there is some sun. This is his version of being comfortable.

I managed to get most of the clothes out of the dryer before Freddie hopped in. Yes, it’s nice and warm and cozy in there and this is why when I take my clothes out of the dryer they are already covered in cat hair. I never leave home without it!

My system, if you can call it that, is to take everything out of the dryer and throw it on the rocking chair in the bedroom before folding and hanging. Sometimes, within seconds, a cat curls up in the middle of the clean items. But lately Freddie has his own system. Can you spot the cat? He is the big bulge under the rocking chair cover at lower left.

After residing on the kitchen counters for a couple of months, Frankie moved his living quarters to the top stair before the roof deck. And now his latest hangout is on the stairs from my office to the bedroom/bathroom level.

He has lived here before which almost turned into a disaster. At night it’s very dark going down the stairs but as I run up and down all the time, I didn’t always turn on the light in the stairway. One night I was walking down the stairs and felt something squishy under my foot just before I took a dive head first down to the cat drinking fountain.

I ended up on my stomach wrapped around the fountain with water all around as I listened to the pump groaning with no water in the bowl. I laid there for a while… I don’t know how long… I couldn’t move. Eventually I was able to pull myself up holding on to the railing… then I shuffled downstairs on my butt to the living room. I had to walk with a cane for a couple of weeks but I recovered. Needless to say I always turn the light on now. Good thing as I would never have known he was sleeping on the stairs again!