RMW: the blog

Roslyn's photography, art, cats, exploring, writing, life


Fabulous Felines – #139 – Coronation of King Charles III

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Freddie woke me up at 2:00 AM Pacific Time to watch the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla “live.” This is the second coronation in my lifetime. Charles is a year younger than me. Will I live to see a third coronation? Long Live the King!

As I am Freddie’s Cat Mother, does that make him a British Citizen too??!!

Freddie was glued to the screen the entire time. He likes to watch TV with captions as he’s a little hard of hearing–especially with those Brit accents!


Fabulous Felines – #135 – Cat TV

Freddie has discovered Cat TV! He enjoys watching bird videos but he goes crazy over squirrels and mice. He sees squirrels on the trees outside the living room window. But I doubt he’s ever seen a real live mouse in his life.

I tried fish videos but he has no interest whatsoever. He likes the jerky, quick movements of birds, squirrels and mice. Fish move too slowly and smoothly for his taste.

I’ve created a monster as he now runs into the living room and sits in front of the TV first thing in the morning waiting for me to turn it on. He doesn’t even bother to go into the kitchen for breakfast like he used to. Maybe he’ll lose some weight by feeding his brain instead of his tummy! And now he is an “only” cat he sleeps a lot. But who can sleep with rodents running across the screen?

When I’m working in my office he likes to sit on my keyboard or curl up in my lap. But as I also have a TV in my office, instead of bothering me, now he sits on top of the printer for a good view of his videos. So it’s working out for both of us!


Fabulous Felines – #133 – life on mars

I watched the live stream on February 18 of the Perseverance landing on Mars. I was very excited to see the first photo transmitted from the planet’s surface. Imagine my surprise when Freddie’s head popped up! He’s gone missing before but this is the farthest from home he has ever traveled. Fortunately the Starship Enterprise was in the vicinity and was able to transport him home.

Nobody has been using the cat condo lately so I decided to take it over as a foot rest while watching TV.  Of course as soon as I did that, Frankie figured out it was the perfect place for him to hang out. CATS!

And I wonder why my clothes always come out of the dryer covered with cat hairs. Don’t worry, I had the setting on delicates so he didn’t shrink too much!


Fabulous Felines – #132 – blankie time and good news for cougars

Usually no matter how much coaxing I do, Frankie will not take a nap with me on the sofa. He actually craves being picked up, but only in the kitchen for whatever weird reason.

(Freddie has no such problem and will often settle down with me on the sofa whether I want him to or not.)

However, lately it has been VERY chilly (for Los Angeles) and my heater doesn’t do a good job. So Frankie has been forced to come and snuggle with me in the evenings… two evenings in a row in fact, wow, a miracle!

Unfortunately for him I don’t sit still for very long but when I move him off my lap he stays under the blanket purring loudly. 

Good news for the Mountain Lions of Los Angeles

Two decades of study by the National Park Service in the Los Angeles area has shown roads and development are not only proving deadly for animals trying to cross [the freeways], but have also created islands of habitat that can genetically isolate all wildlife—from bobcats to birds to lizards. The species most immediately at risk, the mountain lion, could vanish from the area in less than 50 years. Of all the area roads, multiple research and planning efforts have identified the 101 Freeway as the most significant barrier to the ecological health of the region, and a possible extinction vortex.

Recently I was on a Zoom meeting sponsored by the West LA Group of the Sierra Club regarding the overpass. It seems that by the end of 2021, if everything continues on track, work could begin on the world’s largest wildlife crossing at Liberty Canyon, less than 30 miles west of downtown Los Angeles as the crow flies or 40 miles by freeway (64 km). Very exciting news.

For more information please visit the Save LA Cougars website here!


Fabulous Felines – #131 – formerly known as Feline Friday

Frankie says: not only is this a cozy box to hang out in but it also makes a wonderful scratching pad… especially at 2:00am when the sound ricochets around the house.

Frankie and Freddie had a conference when I was out of the house and informed me that they can no longer keep up with the schedule of Feline Friday. This was a huge relief to me and honestly, the only reason I didn’t change it myself was because I thought they were attached to the idea of Feline Friday. We unanimously decided to change the name to Fabulous Felines. 

This photo of Fitzbo (on the top shelf) and Foothill (on the bottom shelf) is a throwback to the late 1980s/early 1990s. Fitz was a girl and Foothill was a boy. They were devoted to each other.  

Freddie just wanted to drop in to remind us that Frankie isn’t the only one who does boxes.


Feline Friday – #130 – boxes and pillows

No box goes to waste in this house. Frankie used the lid as a scratcher so it got ripped to shreds and the box is now in the recycling bin.

The box that Frankie is sitting on contains unused holiday lights so it’s a little crunchy… but Frankie doesn’t mind.

My apologies for disturbing your nap but no need for swearing!

Sorry Freddie but Frankie beat you to the latest box! You’ll have to wait your turn…

Frankie can keep the box… Freddie is happy with his pillows. 



Feline Friday – #129 – who needs the sun and The Alibi

It’s a beautiful sunny day outside on the deck and balcony. So where are Frankie and Freddie?

Fast asleep indoors in the bedroom. At least Frankie found a bright spot to curl up in.

But Freddie prefers the shade.



So Frankie, where were you at 4:11 pm yesterday when the tuna went missing?


Feline Friday – #128 and one half – Freddie skywalker

Freddie likes to hang out in high places. As a human with a fear of heights this gives me the heebee jeebies.

There is a roof top just a couple of feet below but I don’t like him being up there on the ledge. At seven years old he is still a strong jumper and leaps around at the speed of light… but he is getting more clumsy as the years go by.

As I was sitting out on the deck this afternoon I thought about building a catio. There is a nook at the side of the deck with walls on three sides. That would be a good starting point and I could punch a hole through the wall to install a cat door. Freddie won’t be happy but he’ll get used to it.

This seems like a workable project for a handyman. Off to Home Depot to look for supplies!