RMW: the blog

Roslyn's photography, art, cats, exploring, writing, life

Thanks for the box



My new Dell XPS 8700 desktop computer arrived this morning. So far I am happy with it. So many things are better than my old computer… especially not crashing every 20 minutes!

I am up and running but I ‘m still installing all my millions of programs so it may be a few days before I upload a “real” post.

In the meantime, Frankie wanted to say hi and tell you how much he appreciates the nice roomy box the computer arrived in!

All photos and content copyright roslyn m wilkins. Please feel free to pass along this post via email or social media, but if you wish to use some of our images or text outside of the context of this blog, either give full credit to myself and link to One Good Life in Los Angeles, or contact us for proper usage. Thanks!

Author: RMW

I am an explorer and creative person. I've had many jobs, careers and interests... everything in life and the universe fascinates me. Born in Brighton, England, I've lived my entire adult life in Los Angeles, California. A few years ago I rediscovered photography which is a great excuse to get outside and look. I'm also in the process of re-writing some of my unpublished short stories and possibly a novel. .

18 thoughts on “Thanks for the box

  1. I hope you backed up! We had to do the same last year.


  2. It is the perfect Cat gift.


  3. OH nice! Lucky you and lucky Frankie. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hmmm…he thinks you bought the computer so he could have a nice box.


  5. Congratulations on your recent purchase! Cats and toddlers, they just love their boxes. 🙂


  6. To you, a new world via computer. To Frankie, just a new world! Congratulations to you both, Ros.


  7. Frankie looks so comfortable in the box, such simple pleasures we should surely emulate! Glad your new computer is up and running. It’s amazing how quickly we can fill them with programmes, files, photos etc. What did we do before?!


  8. Your cat is really enjoying the box. My male cat loves plastic bags ! 😀


  9. Pingback: Feline Friday – #22 – a good excuse | One Good Life in Los Angeles

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