RMW: the blog

Roslyn's photography, art, cats, exploring, writing, life


Life is an adventure. I wake up every day with the expectation that something new, different, and wonderful will cross my path.

My main interests are in art, art history, photography and architectural preservation. Other interests include ceramic tile painting, archaeology, creative writing and travel. I believe variety is the spice of life!

I enjoy showing people around Los Angeles and pointing out things they would not otherwise see on their own. In my past corporate life I worked as a graphic designer, web designer and construction manager.

You may contact me at artcat@sbcglobal.net.

43 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for coming to my blog today! I’ve never been to Los Angeles so I am appointing you my personal tour guide. Looking forward to the ride!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking my photo! I appreciate it very much. I was born and raised in Los Angeles so I’ve enjoyed my visit here very much. I look forward to following your posts. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for following HoB. Much appreciated! I’ll be hanging around here…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for your visit to my blog, and also for liking my post.
    This is my first visit to yours, which I found very interesting 🙂
    I’ll often visiting yours for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. thank you for your photos! I was looking for the name of aan unknown plant and found it on your website! Leonitis leonurus
    Wendy (Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands)

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  6. Roslyn, thanks for stopping by with your Brussels sprouts recipe/suggestion. You were a big hit.
    🙂 Gemma

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    • Although I know several people with your Brussel Sprout belief system, there are many more who have embraced them and love them! I think it’s a matter of finding the right cooking method…. I was brought up eating boiled, soggy sprouts and it wasn’t until I ate them cooked properly that I appreciated them for the gourmet foods they really are! And now we can buy shaved brussel sprouts for eating raw in salads! I like those too!

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  7. Roslyn, Have to say that the sprawl of Los Angeles on your banner makes me look at the mountains in the distance, providing adventure, nature and beauty and I think that is where I would head. Thanks so much for the follow, like the about page and interested to see where you go….Have a great week, MM 🍀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Meticulousmick! I understand what you’re saying… In my 20s I used to look up at the mountains wistfully and feel like I was missing out on something wonderful by being down here in the city. Then in my 30s and 40s I spent a lot of time hiking and climbing in the mountains… some of it is rugged and treacherous, some of it bucolic and serene… but I remember every hiking trail and rock scramble! At this point in my life I would be an accident waiting to happen… but now I can look up at the mountains and think about all the wonderful times I had with no regrets… the mountains are old friends…!

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  8. so if I come one day to LA you’ll be there to tell me more about the city?! I’m hoping to enjoy your blog. Have a good day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. U and I have something in common, We both Love LA. too bad I’m not there anymore!

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  10. Thanks for stopping by our blog. I used to live in Los Angeles and give Raymond Chandler tours for fun – all the places that were mentioned in his Philip Marlowe novels. Great fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Stunning photos.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Karen, thank you so much!


  13. Hi, nice to meet you! You have interesting blog 🙂 and I look forward to reading new post! Bye. Kamila

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Thanks, for stopping by my blog and leaving the “likes” . I am going to check out your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I really had a good time going through your blog. Thats a beautiful photo of the mountains and the city. Did you happen to hike the mountains?

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Ooooooops, I just realized I “liked” my own post…. oh well, if I can’t like it, who can? Where is that coffee?


  17. Your blog seems very interesting. I love Your first sentence: “Life is an adventure.” I have been used nearly similar: “Life offers many stories to be told”. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  18. I tend to be incredibly intimidated when I bump across someone with such an immense amount of artistic talent, but I truly appreciate art in many forms, so I can’t help but become mesmerized. Looking forward to exploring your blog(s) and uncovering many more of the hidden treasures therein. Found your blog via snakesinthegrass. Nice to meet you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I feel really happy I have met you on WP dear Joslyn! There is so much beauty and kindness coming from you and your posts!
    Fondest wishes, Doda 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Hi Good Morning your visit to my blog in turn bought me here and I am so pleased, it is a lovely blog and one day I too will be able to take amazing pictures… mine are much more by luck and chance than skill…ha ha but it’s on my bucket list….. I am looking forward to reading more 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  21. What a wonderful blog to help with gaining a better appreciation of L.A. and beyond. I’m so glad I found you.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. I’m Melody – 58, grew up in Tarzana and then married into West LA. Raised two sons there – now gifted musician 26 and luxury jet captain, 32. I used to do a thing I called “Melody’s Adventures” where me and the boys would hop in my van and we’d start out in the morning and find things to do all day long until nighttime. We’d notice tiny things and even count hoses we’d see in people’s front yards! 🙂 I made fun everywhere I went, so I was thrilled to come upon this blog. Unfortunately, in 2006, I had a water leak in my vintage West LA apt, and got very sick from toxic mold – had to throw out every last possession from 50 years of living. During that time, I couldn’t work, and my ex relocated me (sadly) to Portland, Oregon, although I still had a 17 year old boy. Financially, I couldn’t make it in LA. Now – still up here, I’ve had financially better times and am able to try to come back to LA. With a manfriend, 63. I’m on Disability for Complex PTSD and he’s on it for Scleroderma, a hand, joint/tissue thing. But we’re adventurous, getting a labradoodle puppy in a few months and my younger son and friends are all in LA.

    Have visited several times in last few years and feel overwhelmed by Millenial situation and everything so expensive and overwhelming. I’d love to hear folks chime in about good areas to live in – looking at spending up to $1800 a month. In Oregon, gotten used to living with W/D, Air conditioning, dishwasher, Clean shower areas, big closets. Want to be close enough that I can come in to visit son and friends often and go to UCLA for docs. Frustrating, don’t want to just jump back in to very fast paced life.
    Need amenities that I probably can’t get so easily in town. I took manfriend with me this past week and he loved Studio City. I think it’s too expensive… in general, most apartments are barebones, without any of the things we feel we need.

    Wanted the take of folks here. I know Southern CA pretty well, but can’t seem to find a place in my heart and mind that works!!!!!
    Thanks SO MUCH for helping……….

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Just found your blog. Looking forward to following along.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Hi Roslyn, Thanks for following my photography blog. I hope you enjoy my work. Looking forward to your posts, too.

    Liked by 1 person

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