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Roslyn's photography, art, cats, exploring, writing, life

It’s all about the animals at Malibu Family Wines’ Saddlerock Ranch


malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

How could you not love this face? As much as I enjoyed taking photos of the gorgeous landscapes at Saddlerock Ranch, shooting the animals was definitely my favorite part. As I don’t know a gnu from an emu, I am not going to attempt to name all of the animals… I am sure they don’t care anyway, leaving such mundane and unimportant endeavours to us nit-picking humans.

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

I do know what a zebra looks like… if you are from England you know they are named after zebra crossings! Oy, we are getting some of those in my neighborhood… but that’s a story for another day. These guys (or gals, what do I know?) obviously went to modeling school to learn how to pose for the camera.

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

Yessssss, you are handsome… did you know that a zebra’s background color is black and the white stripes and tummies grow as additions?

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

What great expressions: we disdain you humans taking our pictures, but oh, wait, get our good side! These are llamas, am I right?

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

This guy is a work of art: a walking collage and still working on it.

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

Some of the horses and donkeys were wearing fly masks. The animals can see fine through the mesh. Some of the animals not wearing the masks had eyes full of flies. My guess is the flies liked the moisture.

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

Hmm, something looks interesting over there!

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

All the animals were eager to have their photos taken… seemed like it was the highlight of their day.

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

I loved their hairstyles. Who needs a perm?

malibu family wines saddlerock ranchSorry not everybody is bringing carrots for you to snack on.

malibu family wines saddlerock ranchJust a baby – er – thingie.

malibu family wines saddlerock ranchI think these are bridles… I’m not a horse expert so forgive me if I am wrong. I just liked the look of them hanging on the fence.

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

These horses were getting their aerobic workouts for the day.

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

The whole bison family lined up for the family portrait. They know how they earn their living!


malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

Mother and child bison… notice the family resemblance?

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

Somebody said “Look over there…”

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

These guys said this baby will be a piece of cake to rope because he doesn’t yet know what the lasso means… the joke was on them as they never did get the lasso on him. He had crawled through the fence from next door and eventually made it back all on his own.

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

Okay, okay… enough zebras already!!!!!! But they are so darn cute. Unlike their cousins the horses, zebras have never been domesticated.

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

Angelina Jolie who???

malibu family wines saddlerock ranch

Nothing like a cool bath on a warm day… I could have jumped in with him and had a splash fight.

And so we say adieu to the Saddlerock animals. We also saw camels from the van, but not in the section we had access to this time.

See part one of my day at Saddlerock ranch here.

All photos and content copyright roslyn m wilkins. Please feel free to pass along this post via email or social media, but if you wish to use some of our images or text outside of the context of this blog, either give full credit to myself and link to One Good Life in Los Angeles, or contact us for proper usage. Thanks!

Author: RMW

I am an explorer and creative person. I've had many jobs, careers and interests... everything in life and the universe fascinates me. Born in Brighton, England, I've lived my entire adult life in Los Angeles, California. A few years ago I rediscovered photography which is a great excuse to get outside and look. I'm also in the process of re-writing some of my unpublished short stories and possibly a novel. .

2 thoughts on “It’s all about the animals at Malibu Family Wines’ Saddlerock Ranch

  1. Hi loved your pictures. My horse lives on the property. The items hanging on the corral piping are halters not bridles. They are colorful though.


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