RMW: the blog

Roslyn's photography, art, cats, exploring, writing, life

Views from my deck in Culver City to commemorate my birthday


culver city view

View of the sunset over Sony Studios from my roof deck. From left to right, the water tower, no longer operational but most of the studios in the LA area retain them as a landmark. The Columbia Studios marquee for the latest release, The End of Days. I stared at Skyfall for weeks, my favorite movie of 2012. At right the rainbow sculpture commemorating the Wizard of Oz which was filmed here when the studio name was MGM.

This day last year was a special birthday. We won’t go into which one. But I celebrated it exactly as I had dreamed on the Brighton Pier in England. You can read that blog post here.

culver city view

This year I wanted to stay home. I had already traveled to New Mexico and Miami in 2013 and that was enough. This photo looks towards the Baldwin Overlook, the highest point in Culver City, about 450 feet which affords spectacular views all over the city of Los Angeles.

culver city view

So to commemorate my birthday, for myself, I took some photos from my roof deck in Culver City. Another look at Sony Studios and Culver City downtown.

geraniums on my deck

More geraniums and views of the tree tops. The Santa Monica Mountains are obscured in this photo by the trees.

This way I can look back at my blog post of this birthday just as I was able to look back at my blog post of Brighton Pier. Self indulgence is a wonderful thing!

But I am very grateful that my favorite spot in the universe is on my very own roof deck in Culver City. Many people have to travel thousands of miles and spend inordinate amounts of money to arrive at their favorite place. All I have to do is walk up a few stairs and I am there!

Please click on all the photos for a larger view.

All photos and content copyright roslyn m wilkins. Please feel free to pass along this post via email or social media, but if you wish to use some of our images or text outside of the context of this blog, please check with us first for proper usage. Thanks!

Author: RMW

I am an explorer and creative person. I've had many jobs, careers and interests... everything in life and the universe fascinates me. Born in Brighton, England, I've lived my entire adult life in Los Angeles, California. A few years ago I rediscovered photography which is a great excuse to get outside and look. I'm also in the process of re-writing some of my unpublished short stories and possibly a novel. .

10 thoughts on “Views from my deck in Culver City to commemorate my birthday

  1. Are you born at the tenth of may?

    Me too. Happy birthday!


  2. Happy Birthday(solar return) Taurus people; I love you folks!
    mom was a Taurus…
    great post by the way


    • Thanks, Eddie. Of course, Tauruses (or is that Tauri?) are the best people! Big smile…. But we need everybody in all the other houses to keep us in our place!


  3. Spectacular!!

    On that evening, after Pasadena friends Phil and Susan helped me haul things out to the car and dumpster, we went to Ford’s Filling Station and sat outside (on the side). I couldn’t take my eyes off the sky. We watched it change colors from blue to gray to yellow to pink to red. I guess it put on a display just for your b’day, Roslyn.


    • Thanks, TL, the weather gods were giving me one giant candle in the sky! But how wonderful sitting out at Ford’s watching it from your table. I always feel like I am back in Paris or Rome when eating at a sidewalk restaurant in good ole downtown Culver City!


  4. Happy belated birthday! I’m so sorry I’m late with birthday wishes. For some reason I have not been getting your blog updates. This has been happening with my reader lately. Either that or WordPress randomly unfollows people I’m following. Why? I have no idea. From the looks of it I have a lot of catching up to do! Again, I’m so sorry.


  5. Thanks, Jackie for the birthday wishes and all the likes. Well, I am STILL celebrating my birthday so never too late!


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